Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Trash Management

Hello today I`m going to talk about the trash management, I think that is very important to know what is going on with the trash we throw away. I admit that I don`t know too much of what happened with our trush and I don`t have to much conscience about it, so I strated to search information about it.

In Chile, each person have a average of 1 Kg per day of trush, that means that is more less 16.000 ton of trush per day.

Residues in general affect in many ways to our planet, affects to the water quality (to goundwater as well as water in surface), also modify the biomass, like flora and fauna. The soil is also affected by the trush, changing the fiscal and chemical structure of it and also all the gases emission (metano and CO2) it is a problem.

Some disease that are caused by the trush management, and also you have problems with the bad smell that the trash produce, so you can`t live near it, also you have problems with the noise that all the transporter trash trucks make.

In 1995 all the trash of Chile were put in dumping sites and rubbish dumps, today the trash goes to a sanitary place that have several requisition and sanitary tecnique, although Chile is having some progress we need to improve a lot in this term.

Here I give you some action we could do to help trash management:

  • Use returnable package 
  • Use rechargeable battery.
  • Repair our clothe, instead of buying new or you can give it to someone how can need it.
  • Deposit glass, plastic and tin things to appropriate places. 
So let start helping the world! 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

My future job

Hello bloggers today I`m going to talk about my future, as you know I`m studing agricultural engineering and I love my career because we are the ones that could help the world hunger, a term that had a big argue in te last post of GMOs, so it`s a big responsibility.
When I decided studying this I had a tiny idea of what is career means and now it had been passed four years since that moment and I think I have all the basic knowledge of it, and I have all the tools to be a good professional, although I still have some years until I finished my studies.
I`d like to work outdoors because I love to be in contact with the nature, but if sometime I would have to work indoors I think that it couldn`t be so bad.
One thing I`m sure of my future job is that I`m going to travel a lot, working in other countries is one of my dreams, I exactly don`t know where but it could be New Zealand or some place of Europe.
When I finished my studies here I pretend continue studying in other country, doing some postgraduate study, and start working there.
I haven`t decided yet in what area of this career I`m going to work, there are so many! Buy I have some time yet, so I have to continue studying and learning about the different areas of it. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Genetic modified organisms

Hi! today I`m going to write about the GMOs (genetic modified organisms), they are plants whose genome has been modified using technology and the main reason for doing it is to produce food for humans and animals.
These plants have been modified in the laboratory to enhance desired traits such as increased resistance to herbicides or improved nutritional content, or if you found some gene of interest in a plant, for example a cold tolerance and you what to introduced it to others plants you can do it, so the genetic-modified plant will tolerate that weather too.

Some of the criticisms against GM food are the environmental activities, religious organization, and some people said that they are some human risk like allergenicity for GM plants like peanuts.

So genetically-modified foods have the potential to solve many of the world`s hungry and malnutrition problems, and also to protect the environment by increasing yield and reducing the use of some chemicals like herbicides and pesticides, but it is a technology that is in a process and we cannot afford to ignore a technology that has such enormous potential benefits, but we must proceed with caution to avoid the human health and the environment as a result of our enthusiasm for this powerful technology.