Tuesday, September 9, 2014

My future job

Hello bloggers today I`m going to talk about my future, as you know I`m studing agricultural engineering and I love my career because we are the ones that could help the world hunger, a term that had a big argue in te last post of GMOs, so it`s a big responsibility.
When I decided studying this I had a tiny idea of what is career means and now it had been passed four years since that moment and I think I have all the basic knowledge of it, and I have all the tools to be a good professional, although I still have some years until I finished my studies.
I`d like to work outdoors because I love to be in contact with the nature, but if sometime I would have to work indoors I think that it couldn`t be so bad.
One thing I`m sure of my future job is that I`m going to travel a lot, working in other countries is one of my dreams, I exactly don`t know where but it could be New Zealand or some place of Europe.
When I finished my studies here I pretend continue studying in other country, doing some postgraduate study, and start working there.
I haven`t decided yet in what area of this career I`m going to work, there are so many! Buy I have some time yet, so I have to continue studying and learning about the different areas of it. 


  1. I think is a good idea to study in other countries, I believe is a good experience and you can learnt a lot. I really want to do the same too.

  2. I think you'll be excellent in anything you decide to do on your future :) Love you!
