Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Trash Management

Hello today I`m going to talk about the trash management, I think that is very important to know what is going on with the trash we throw away. I admit that I don`t know too much of what happened with our trush and I don`t have to much conscience about it, so I strated to search information about it.

In Chile, each person have a average of 1 Kg per day of trush, that means that is more less 16.000 ton of trush per day.

Residues in general affect in many ways to our planet, affects to the water quality (to goundwater as well as water in surface), also modify the biomass, like flora and fauna. The soil is also affected by the trush, changing the fiscal and chemical structure of it and also all the gases emission (metano and CO2) it is a problem.

Some disease that are caused by the trush management, and also you have problems with the bad smell that the trash produce, so you can`t live near it, also you have problems with the noise that all the transporter trash trucks make.

In 1995 all the trash of Chile were put in dumping sites and rubbish dumps, today the trash goes to a sanitary place that have several requisition and sanitary tecnique, although Chile is having some progress we need to improve a lot in this term.

Here I give you some action we could do to help trash management:

  • Use returnable package 
  • Use rechargeable battery.
  • Repair our clothe, instead of buying new or you can give it to someone how can need it.
  • Deposit glass, plastic and tin things to appropriate places. 
So let start helping the world! 


  1. The advices you give are so useful. If we all did them, maybe we could save the planet! kisses

  2. We are the only ones who could fix the world's trash problem so as you say Let start helping the world :)

  3. Each person is very important so you would begin to recicle :)
