Wednesday, October 1, 2014

How green I am

Hello bloggers today I`m going to talk about a very difficult term for me, how to be green.
I think that you can be green doing things that helps the environment, and reduce the pollution, so you can be green if you walk instead of using a car, or if you recycle, reducing energy, using rechargeable batteries, etc.

I have to admit that I`m not green, because this year I started using my car a little more, and in my house we don`t recycle too much, a few years ago my family had the intention of recycling the trash but it doesn`t worked because we don’t have a store place near to left our trash so I think that the minister of environment have to promote the recycle in all the city, because people have the intention but no the facilities for doing it. 

I want to do my own orchard in my house, and help pollution with that because the agriculture is one of the first contaminating institution because they use a lot of chemicals products, and destroyed biodiversity.
Reducing energy is also a way to contribute to the environment, I do this a lot like turning off the lights when you are not using it, or unplug the electrical thing when you are not using it too, also there are other ways to produce electricity with solar energy but this way is too expensive. 
We have to continue working for it, I think that people have the intention but some times is very difficult, and the education is the better way for create conscience, teach how to protect the world pollution and the environment is something that has to be teach at school.

1 comment:

  1. You are right, in many municipalities thre are not conditions for recycling.
