Thursday, October 16, 2014


Hi friends today I`m going to do an evaluation of my 2014, this year started very difficult for me, I didn`t enjoyed the summer to much because I was working so then in march when I have to go to my classes I wasn`t with all the energy I need.

It`s very important to rest a little in the summer so you can start your semester with energy, although that, the last semester was a very good semester I finished all my curses with good marks, without making any exam on a lot of curses.
I have a little problem with stress when the end of the semester comes close; I have headaches and other things, so I expected to much the vacation.
But now I realized that all effort has a good reward!
Now I`m finishing the second semester of the 4th year and I expect finishing it just like the first one, with good marks but no so tired and I am looking for a work related with my career this summer, but only for the first month (December). I expect learning a lot, because I will have a vision much closer of what I´m going to do all my life and start getting related to my future work.

I know that I have time yet to achieve all the things I want to, I know that is not easy. I expect to be a good professional, but the most important thing is to be happy on what you do, that is what it really matters.

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