Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Hi people, today I`m going to talk about Facebook and my relationship with it.

I think that Facebook have a lot of positive aspects, you can use it to communicate with people that you don`t see too much or people who are in other cities or countries, also Facebook is a good plataform for making busines.
I use it very much to talk with school friends or for making university works with my classmates.
I think that people use Facebook because is a free and fast way to communicate and you also can see the other person with a webcam and you can upload photos and comment them. 

On the other hand I think that Facebook or all the websites that have personal information could be dangerous, because people know everything about you, what are you doing or what you expect to do, so you have to accept only people you know like friends or family. 
Another negative aspect is that people today are all day in Facebook is like a magnetic thing, you have to do a balance for your responsibilities and you free time, I have to recognize that when I`m bored I use Facebook to see friends photos and posts, but now also cellphones have Facebook, so you are connected all day if you want and if someone talks to you immediately you receive it and you can respond him or her. 

You have to use Facebook with caution and responsibility, because is a double-edged sword.


  1. ajajaja I feel a bad person when I do not accept a friendship submit! I will murdered one day.

  2. i like facebook, I talk with you everyday :)

  3. I agree with you about to use Facebook with caution and responsibility,
