Tuesday, October 21, 2014

English Language Challenges

Hi bloggers today is my last post and I`m going to talk about my English performance this year , I decide to took this curse because perhaps I know basic English because I went to an English school, when you don`t practice it for years ( I`m not going to school since 2010) you forgot some things. 

I like English and I think that is very important to know different languages, is for that reason that I`m doing English here in university too, also I want to learn other language but today I`m not going to write about it. I think that curses here in university are very good and entertaining for me, I like going to classes and learning more about it.
 The teaching methodology is very good because every week we have to write in our blog about many tasks, is a good way to improve your writing and to learn about different terms, also in classes we practice our oral and listening English, talking about different things of our society or thing that happened to us.
I have to improve some vocabulary and also continue improving all the things I had learned,  also I want to travel to other counties to practice it, but by now I practice in classes and in my daily life in songs or movies, and that is something I love about it because I don’t have to read subtitles in movies to understand it or I don’t have to translate song to know what are they talking about, and that is something I appreciate about knowing English, also for doing some works in english here in university is more easy for me than for my other classmates. 
Goodbye and see you soon! 

1 comment:

  1. The same happens to me! It's really great to understand songs or movies in english without the need for subtitules :)
