Saturday, August 23, 2014

Food and Sustainability

Hi bloggers! Do you know anything about sustainability? It is a very difficult concept that was created in the eighteenth century when people began to question about the impact of the industrialization in contrast with the few resources on earth.

Sustainability is a term that can be used in different contexts, but it generally refers to the quality of being able to sustain itself without any outside help and without ending up available resources.
In ecology, sustainability describes the ecological or biological systems, such as: forests, maintaining diversity and productivity over time.

Today technologies of food industry are associated with implementing this practice by, incorporating energy saving policies and reducing carbon and water footprints.

Some foodservices are starting to create a new type of organic food, that also incorporates sustainable gourmet and natural products, also Walmart, with quite different positioning, focusing on a low-cost strategy, also incorporating environmental sustainability within their strategic vision.

People`s minds are changing also mine, we are more worried of health now and to contribute to the balance of earth, protecting animals and plants.

What about you? 

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